Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why? Well, why the fuck not.

Hi. I'm Lorrie. 29 year old female with readily available internet access. The pic really is me although my hair is different now and I don't look quite so much like a Che Guevara t-shirt.

I don't have a Facebook, I've never had a MySpace, and this is the first blog post I've ever written. Based on that you would think I lived under a rock or worse, Detroit. See, I've always had this belief that unless someone is one-on-one with me in an email, IM, text, or Heaven forbid, IRL, the general public at large doesn't give a flying fudge monkey what I have to say. This is still true, but, the rules seemingly have changed insofar that anyone under a particular age (i.e. dead) who doesn't voluntarily at least pretend to be an outgoing social unappreciated genius must have something to hide. This never bothered me until recently.

Due to a large amount of drama involving some dude I thought was worth waiting around for, the girl who originally introduced us who I had no idea was even into the guy, and a lot of stress, tears, and other bullshit, one thing did sink into my notoriously thick skull.

This is a fucking long-ass way of explaining this blog. Sorry. (Not really, it's my blog after all. It took me long enough to do this shit I may as well make the most of it, right?) One thing she said to me before she stopped speaking to me was that she was much more Available than I was. She has her FB page, her blogs, her hotline, and of course her picture splashed all over the place. More power to her. She is talented and if she ever speaks to me again, she may even let me link to her blog. More importantly, she has a point. 1 in 5 relationships start online. Information about anything and anyone is so undeniably easy to find, why bother putting forth the effort of a blind face to face meeting? As much as I think it sucks, people comparison shop for their mates just as much, and more often, than they do for sofas. Case in point, one little ad online in less than 2 hours snagged me a coffee date the next day, and that was without a picture. I can't argue with results. So here it is folks, my wit and worldview (such as they are) available for your perusal 24-7-365.

Enjoy, bitchez.

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