Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Let's get serious for a moment

I'm sitting here in my bra, blogging (Bragging? Brogging?) wondering what this little experiment will turn into. Will it be simply a venting space to bitch about life in general?  Will it have a singular purpose- a sole focal point? Will it be just a vain attempt to try and grab some attention as a very small voice in a very crowded room? I don't know. What I do know is three things:

1. I met a guy for coffee yesterday evening. It was nice. He seems to be really not looking for anyone steady right now, so I don't know if he will be calling me back for a proper date or not. He knows I'm interested. Let's see what happens. I'm fabulous, if he doesn't want to date me, then he's a dumbass, right?

2. The next blog post will be a serious attempt at writing on a serious subject. Stay tuned.

3. Reese's PB cups are, and always will be, the bomb.


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