Thursday, August 12, 2010

A couple of odd thoughts and a small story

Odd Thought #1- My son is part camel. I always wondered what was in that melon of his, and now I guess I know. Seriously, he could pee a gallon not two seconds before getting in the tub, and yet somehow he has another gallon ready to go. At least it's sterile. Blech. The bright side? When he starts taking showers he won't have to worry about Athlete's Foot.

Odd Thought #2- Ever since I remembered I was in charge of cooking lamb tomorrow, I've been thinking in a Greek accent.

Small Story- I threatened promised to tell the story of Rerun being the Household Fart Detector. It's not really much of a story. Ever since she was a puppy when she smelled a fart she went butt-hunting. She'd start with whatever male happened to be in the room, (I totally did not train her to do that, dogs ain't all that dumb, yo) then she would go through the females by age, then go to the rest of the dogs until she found the culprit. She would then point at them. She would stay pointed at them until the farter excused themselves. I don't just mean the humans, if the culprit was canine she's get a lick on the nose or something. The absolute best? One day she went through the whole house looking for the perpetrator, failed to find it, sniffed her own ass, tried to point at herself, and fell over.

If I could make this shit up on the fly I'd be rich.

In other news, it looks like I've got an OkCupid date. Will post more as bulletins warrant.

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