Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Well, It's Official

Bachelor #3 is off. I find this extremely flabbergasting (what a great word!). Here's a rundown of the last 3 weeks or so:

1. I send message on OkCupid, get message back, texting and IMing ensue
2. Have drinks, hit it off big time, not so much as a held hand let alone a kiss.
3. Lots of texting and IMing, some of it quite saucy
4. Second date made, rescheduled, and attended
5. Making out occurs with he instigated
6. He goes out of town for 5 days
7. Even saucier IMing and texting
8. Third date made and canceled the day of (after make up on, TYVM) due to flu
9. Sporadic contact, understandable if you feel like creamed crap
10. Somebody's getting better, ooh, very hot IM session utilizing all my skills from my former job as a text chat operator
11. No plans for rescheduled 3rd date.
12. I get some talk about how "it's looking like more of a sexual fling"
13. I mention that I feel like it is a chore for him to eke out any time to see me
14. I get Dear John letter that things are moving "too fast".

Three weeks, ladies and gentlemen. Three. Weeks. There was no sex. None. Just one physical heavy make-out session that I didn't start, so explain to me dear readers (both of you), how is it I'm the one left feeling like a whore?

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