Friday, October 1, 2010

Well ain't that just always the way...

I haven't really spent much time on OkC lately. Been getting a little bummed by the whole thing, to be honest. The last post I did about what I really want to put in an ad? Yeah, I just did that. Just now I copied and pasted the whole shebang over there. I'm not getting any messages anyway, so who fucking cares? I need some more photos of me on there, but there's a couple problems with that:

1. I change my hair all the time, I know this is a small thing really, but still

2. I HATE having my picture taken. HATE IT. I am NOT photogenic and I know it. Come on, the nicest pic I could find to put on this thing makes me look like a goddamn Che Guevara t-shirt! I prefer to just do it myself in a mirror, no matter how friendless it makes me look. Fuck you, I don't have professional photogs for friends.

3. Even if I was in the mood to try and take a decent pic of me (and I am really not ever in that mood) this bathroom mirror I have now is up so high if I'm not wearing stacked heels you cannot see my whole face. It makes putting makeup on for work very interesting. This would be me ---> w-(’u')-w

4. My face is set for fall and the weather around these parts is pure summer. The skin does not appreciate this fact, nor the typical rush o' hormones one has close to their 30th birthday. I'm broken out, in other words. Yeah, I could probably edit the spots out even if I had to use MS Paint, but it just doesn't put someone in a "I feel pretty" mood, you know?

And ain't that always the way? You want to feel pretty, you want to put that best face forward and your face, your own goddamn FACE rebels against you. FMF.

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